Janelle's e-mails to her family

Monday, September 6, 2010

Me voy al parte mas sur del mundo…para ensenar los penguinos

Me voy al parte mas sur del mundo…para ensenar los penguinos J
The next time you´ll be hearing from me I will be writing you from a snow bank. I am getting transferred to Punta Arenas. Goodbyes are the very worst thing in the world.

Right now it is very bitter sweet news. I am sad to leave this magical place, Chiloe, but at the same time I am very excited to meet the people of Punta Arenas, see Hermana Aponte (!!!!!!!!), and meet my new companion. I am really grateful for the opportunity to serve there. It´s hard to say goodbye to these people here in Ancud though, they are so very special to me. It´ll be hard saying goodbye to Hermana Kelley, too. She is so special, and I really enjoyed working with her. I am grateful for change and the opportunity to improve through it. I hope that I live up to this calling as I should. I am trying to do so. Sometimes I feel like I don´t do it exceptionally, but I am grateful for the Savior and the opportunity to improve through Him. I am grateful for this opportunity to serve Him. How blessed we are to see miracles happen every day. They exist.

I am halfway packed...I still have to pack my clothes, but that should be pretty easy. This is when it really starts to set in that we are only missionaries. We are just the herramientos en los manos del Señor. I am really excited to get transferred there, though. I knew I had to leave, and if I could have picked that is where I wanted to go and at the time I wanted to go. I have always just felt like there is something special there that I need to be there for. From the beginning of this cambio, I have felt like I might go there next. I feel like my time down there is going to be a full of special miracles. I know that the Lord´s hands are guiding this work and people are called to different areas for a reason. It´s hard to know that my work in Ancud is done...it seems in so many ways that it has just begun, and that there is so much left to do...but that will have to be the work of those to come.

I can´t believe I completed one-third of my mission this week. THAT IS CRAZY! Time is going so quickly that it is frightening me.

In answer to your questions, Mom, I did give Karen the skirt, but the shoes I am packing. Karen looked so cute in the skirt I had to let her have it.) As far as souvenirs went, I stayed pretty cheap and little. I did invest in the lana (wool) here in Chiloe. Wool stuff here is so cheap....like 6 bucks for a wool scarf cheap. I bought a few wool things to bring home and also some wood work done by a friend of ours...se llama Domingo...he´s awesome. But that´s about it. I figure I can´t carry much around with me right now...especially a Punta Arenas. Also, you´re right...I need to polish my boots...I´ll get on that ASAP...the boots have been the least of my concerns, but I need to take better care of them. Spit shine, here we come! ;) As far as food. Lunch is HUGE here... at least when you´re feeding the missionaries. I usually just have a little snack for breakfast and dinner, although I think this next cambio I´ll just have tea (herbal....it´s huge down here...and they have some delicious flavors...mmm mmm) and a few crackers. Word has in down south they eat a ridiculous amount of meat...ugh. Oh well. It´s cheap down there.

Well, I am out of time this week. I´ll write with new adventures next week. Love you all tons!!!!!!! Miss you and am praying for you! Thank you for everything!

----Hermana Bertagnole

PS: Well, also it sounds like everyone is getting hitched! Congrats everybody!

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